Saturday 21 July 2007

18 year olds. ARRRHHHHHH!

Friday evening, my eldest son Alex went out to the pub with his mates. We hate it when he goes to the pub as it has caused problems, as he thinks it's so macho to drink. I compromised and said I'd wait up till 12am for him, but of course this wasn't good enough, as he said he would be out longer than that. He told me not to wait up, I warned him the door would be locked after 12am and that if he wasn't back by then he had better make arrangements to sleep at a friends house. So 11pm comes around and I text him to warn him I'll be going to bed soon and that I'll be locking up. So he texts me back, saying he's 18 and why am I doing this? He asks me not to lock the door. After a few text's, he decided to make his way home, not wanting to go to a friends that night.

Well, when he got in he was so drunk he could hardly stand, he was swaying all over the place and it was so clear on his face that he was just about 'here'. He started babbling about how we're too over protective etc, and I told him while he goes to the pub, I will always wait up for him and expect him home by 12am. (for some reason he wants to stay out till 2am! or longer!) Because of the things that happen in the world today, like kids getting stabbed for no reason these days, plus he can't drink sensibly we want him home at a decent hour so we know he's safe. There's also the issue from personal experience, as his dad was attacked with knives when he was just 20 for no reason, just because a bunch of idiots wanted someone to pick on, his dad is lucky he survived. So hubby has this on his mind and wants Alex to be safe. As parents it's our responsibility to keep him safe.

Anyway, after Alex has his little rant, he goes straight up stairs to bed......... And yes you guessed it, throws up all over his floor!!!! So I made him clean it up, there was no way I was touching it. Through coaching him, he got it all cleaned up in between him falling sleep, he had a rough night after that and spent Saturday with a rather nasty hang over HAHA!

I dread the next time he wants to go to the pub, which seems to be every Friday night now. I know we can't protect him all the time and if he wasn't going to the pub, I wouldn't have to wait up all the time. But he can't see that's it's just because we love him. He said his friends parents aren't like this, but like I said to him I don't give a stuff about them, I care about him. I care enough about him to want to make sure he's home safely, so I will be waiting up for him for as long as it takes for him to get out of this 'I must get drunk at the pub stage!'


Clare said...

Awwww Margo sorry to hear of your struggles with your son, he will grow out of it but, there's not much consolation to you now :(


Margo. said...

I hope he does soon Clare. Have to see what happens this Friday now.