Wednesday 22 August 2007


I have an appointment with the Optician tomorrow. Jess convinced me to go and make an appointment for an eye test, as she went and had one as she was suffering with Migraines for a while, and it turns out she needs glasses when she reads and is at the PC.

I don't get headaches, but at times when I read I can feel my eyes straining and I end up squinting sometimes.

Hopefully I won't need any glasses, but if I do I don't mind. I can just tell everyone I went to Spec Savers! LOL.

1 comment:

Margo. said...

Well, the opticians said I don't need glasses, although I am a little Short sighted now. She gave me the choice to have them if it is affecting my vision with the TV and reading. But I'm fine so I turned them down.