Friday 7 December 2007

Let Love Lead You Always...

If you are lucky enough to still have both your parents with you. Then I ask you to please today, and make sure it is today, go and hug them, and tell them you love them. If you can't visit them, then pick up your phone and call them. If you're the type of person who gets embarrassed by doing this, please put your embarrassment away and just make the call, that visit.

My father died on 1st December 2007, it's been just 7 days since he has passed, and I am devastated. I didn't tell my dad those three important words, and I know now that I should have.
We had a rocky relationship for 20 years, and we just didn't see eye to eye. How stupid I was to let things of the past over rule my mind, and not love.

I should have acted with love and I should have always let love be my guide. But I didn't.
It's not until your parents have passed that you realise just how much they mean to you, and it's then you realise your squabbles meant nothing.

If you're currently having any differences with your parents, please put them aside. I don't want anyone to go through what me and my sisters are going through right now. It is heart breaking and so devastating. No one is perfect, your parents are people making their way on earth, just like you. They make mistakes too, and just because they're your parents, it doesn't mean they won't.

To end this, I want to say. I'm so sorry dad, and I love you with all my heart. I just wish things had been different. They say you shouldn't have regrets, but I will always regret not making up with you. Your Marge.

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