Saturday 27 October 2007


Samhain is approaching, and this is my most favourite festival. I love this Sabbat and doing my own little celebration. This is the time when the veil is the thinnest, and when we can invite our loved ones who have passed over to join us. This is the time when I really give my thanks to spirit, it is a time of reflection and also renewal. It's a time to celebrate those who have passed over.
It is the start of the Witches New year.

On 31st October, which most people who know this day as Halloween, but for pagans it's Samhain. My main focus is Divination. This is the only time I get my crystal ball out. I will also do a tarot reading for myself and reflect and think of my loved ones past. I also like to write poems dedicated to those past and also the God and the Goddess.

For this festival I will also be working up to clearing out some of my old, to make way for the new things that will be entering my life.

Blessed Samhain.

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