Saturday 13 October 2007

October chat

I've not written in here for a while, well I can say life is dandy. :)

I'm really enjoying my job, and after being a floater for the past six weeks, I am finally getting my own set at work. I've passed my BICS 1 and am taking my BICS 2 soon. These are recognised qualifications and so could help me to find another job in the near future.

I've been to the pub with hubby a few times, but we'll have to curb that to save up for xmas. I can't believe it's only 11 weeks to go!

I'm finally getting back into reading, but I don't read half as much as I used to. Also I don't get on the internet as much as I used to either. Some things I have stopped doing for a little while, but will get back to them as soon as I am ready.

My son Joe, loves his new school. He seems to be doing well and seems to have gained an attitude since going to secondary school. Hmmmmm....

Alex my eldest is doing well in Uni, and he's enjoying it. He's taking a four year course. Jim my middle son, is back at college and has dropped Biology and has taken up Geography instead, as he really likes the teacher. So hopefully he will do well in this subject. He's doing another two years in college.

I'm just waiting for a book I ordered to be delivered to WHSmith, it's Jean Plaidy's Katharine, The Virgin Widow. I love Tudor fiction and Katharine of Aragon is my most favourite queen. Can't say much about the current Tudor TV series on BB2 though, it seems to be rushed and a load of rubbish atm! I hope it gets better!

That's it I think! :)

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