Friday 1 February 2008

Consideration Vs Assholes!

I'm so sick to death of my neighbours atm. They are three of the most disrespectful people you could meet. I'm sick of hearing their music blasting through my walls at full volume with the base as high as it can go, I'm sick of hearing their dogs barking till early hours of the morning when they go out. I'm sick of hearing their DIY in the evening especially when hubby and I come home from work and want nothing more, than to rest in peace and quiet of our own home. I'm sick of not being able to relax in my own home anymore.

I used to love my home, until she moved in. It started of with DIY in the evening, and their dogs barking till all hours of the day, even being left out for hours in summer in the back garden to bark while she either went out or just ignored them from inside her house, you'd hear the occasional 'shut up!". People like that shouldn't have dogs! It's a joke considering she claims to be someone who is an animal lover!

Rant over.

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