Monday 3 September 2007

First Day At Work

Today I started my first day at my new Job. I'm a cleaner in a school. To be honest I always thought it would be easy being a cleaner, but it's not. It is 'hard' work. Rooms have to be kept clean and tidy, toilets need cleaning, shower rooms, etc etc...... Then there's the machinery, don't ask me how many types there are! Today I used one that swept and washed the floor at the same time, it was such a huge and bulky machine, and there's a certain way to prepare it, using it and emptying it. The people who work in my department are really nice, it's going to take some time getting to know all of them though. The teachers were very appreciative that the school was clean and tidy, which was really nice.

Afterwards hubby & I went to the bank to sort out some details. We noticed that they had me down in an Unskilled Occupation. That really is crap, because, as a Cleaner you have to under go training, take exams and are given certificates if you pass. These certificates are as good as any NVQ's. So it's not unskilled at all.

After being awake since 4am, and working for four hours this morning and having to sit at the bank for ages. I am now shattered! I've had a nap, but the tiredness hasn't shifted yet. But I'll get used to it. The best part though, is that I am working again. I've wanted to get back to work for ages, and have got the job I wished for.

1 comment:

Jess said...

Marg i wouldn't let it worry you that they classed you as unskilled. They only say that because anyone can get a job as a cleaner, you don't need a qualification in it before hand. Not all cleaners have to pass exams either.Thats all they mean.