Saturday 30 June 2007

More Neigbour Trash

OK, so last night hubby & I were woken up by our neighbor having a fight in the street. Turns out, she & hubby have split, it was nasty and so people have taken sides. We got to hear all about her business as it was shouted out in the street, and I could see why people were angry. But still, I wonder how some adults can behave so childlike, especially when there's children involved. Anyway, windows got smashed and lots of screaming, shouting and punching. The police were called, and they didn't do much except watch the argument and made sure no one was violent. I was thinking at 3am, just lock the assholes up for the night! I want to go back to bed!!!!

We got back to bed at 4am in the end.

I was a bit peed off this morning about it, we woke up at 7:45am. I feel like blasting my music out and giving my neighbor a bit of her own medicine. But where will that get me? No where, that's where. So today is just another day. But I will try to remain positive and do some Reiki today and send some healing to the situation.


Stephen King said...

Scary stuff Maggie, I would know


P.S. Email me some writing and i'll look over it for you.

Stephen King said...

Not Great